Ricardo Sosa
Facilitator profile
Ricardo builds on two decades of experience across design practice, education, and research in three continents. His career in product design began in the areas of co-design and the design of interactive systems and museum exhibitions. Ricardo obtained a PhD from the University of Sydney in 2005. Since then, Ricardo has led innovative initiatives setting up new design programs, executive education courses, research labs, and partnerships with industry. He now specialises in learning and design at the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning in an education-focused role as Associate Professor and as a consultant in the start-up and innovation areas. Ricardo received the Teacher of the Year award at Nanyang Business School, NTU in Singapore in 2019 where he designed and taught a core graduate course for seven years. He has published over 100 academic articles including in how best to teach design and creativity to managers and business leaders.
- Wed 9 Apr 2025 - Leading Design Teams